Column: Yogi Ashwani


Our physical appearance resonates our character. As I have said before, we are what we think. The importance of thoughts cannot be understated for when we attract negative energies, they manifest in our physical body (annamaya kosha) as unpleasant traits. That’s why in vedic times, the physical traits were given so much importance. At one level, the traits that one is born with define the basic character of the person but the yoni of human being is so powerful that it holds the power to change even the basic physical characteristics easily. This does not imply that one goes for cosmetic surgeries, or elaborate chemical treatments. These modern techniques bring about change at a very superfluous level, whereas simple yogic practices like Sanatan Kriya and Ayurvedic remedies though work at a slower pace result in enduring and inclusive change.

The human mind is in essence the most powerful device which can be easily be harnessed to shape the body as well as the environment. The existence psychosomatic ailments are enough proof of the ability of the human thought process to cause disease in the body. It is also a medical fact that for right handed people, the nails of the right hand grow faster than the left hand. The reason for this is that right handed people are more consciously aware of their right hand. This makes it amply clear that if the thoughts of the brain can cause disease and growth then these very thoughts could also lead to health and cause a change in the way we look.

The fundamental premise on which ancient science work is balance (prakriti) and imbalance (vikriti). A balanced body would radiate health and act like a magnet. Hair is seen is an important marker of beauty in almost all the cultures of the world. A mere glance at the ancient sculptures and literature shows that a woman’s hair is invariably long and glossy, often tied up into sophisticated coiffure and hair denoted health, wealth and culture in women. While well-kept hair was sign as a sign of balance and happiness in the household; dull, uncombed hair was taken to mean as an omen for something amiss. So hair is indeed seen as the crowning glory of a women’s beauty. 

Having beautiful hair is not an arduous task. Here is a simple kriya employing the power of the brain and colours: the practice for beautiful long hair starts early in the day. Get up before sunrise preferably at 4 in the morning. After taking bath sit down in a comfortable posture with a straight back. After paying reverence to your Guru and Lord Ganesha slowly start with abdominal breathing. Expand your stomach as you inhale and pull it in as you exhale. Become aware of your complete physical form and slowly take your awareness to a whitish pink lotus flower having 12-16 petals situated right in the center of your chest cavity. With every breath that you take in be aware of this lotus expanding in size slowly spreading a beautiful whitish pink hue all around it, which fills up starting from your physical being to this entire creation. At this moment become aware of a similar whitish pink lotus in the center of the chest cavity of your Guru and very gently and lovingly merge the lotus from your chest cavity with the whitish pink lotus of your Guru. Dissolve in this ocean of whitish pink sparkles. After some time holding the hand of your Guru become aware of whitish violet light and wash your entire scalp and hair with this whitish violet light. Simultaneously become aware of your hair becoming long, shiny, healthy and black. Since whitish violet is a very potent shade in creation, be careful that your awareness does not go to hair on any other part of your physical body. Now being aware of liquid white light become aware of every cell of your physical being and slowly open your eyes looking at the centre of your palms.

Celibating for long periods also promotes healthy hair and glowing skin among other benefits. This is because while celibating the sukra dhatu in the body is conserved which is responsible for the degree of charisma and beauty in a person.

—The writer Yogi Ashwini Ji is the head of Dhyan Foundation, Delhi.
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December 2009

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