Linear or Circular?

According the concept of Circular Economy, reducing waste, saves money, energy and resources, increases competiveness ...

By Milan Dostal

According the concept of Circular Economy, reducing waste, saves money, energy and resources, increases competiveness, and protects the environment. Waste recycling is at the same time a vibrant and innovative sector that creates local jobs and growth. In many developed countries, including the Czech Republic, it has been already verified, that the quality of life improves substantially, when the resources and waste are managed in a proper and professional manner.

Back in 1970s, the global volume of extraction was 22 billion tons. By 2010, it had rocketed up to 70 billion tons and increased by more than 100% in 40 years. Most of the growth has been driven by demand for construction materials, for biomass, food and for the fossil fuels. It seems hard to believe, but China used more cement between 2011 and 2013 then USA used in the whole 20th century.

It’s not a secret, that the demands for raw materials are growing exponentially and supply struggles to keep up. In this view, we particularly welcome initiatives of some countries, including India or the Czech Republic to ban the single-use plastic in the near future and promote activities to reduce the plastic and other waste pollution.

The problem, however, cannot be limited to the existence of the plastic. This simplification can be dangerous and we should focus more on how we design and dispose the plastic instead. And even better, how can we recycle or reuse the waste.

Tags: Milan Dostal
