Column: Arti Gaur



 Arti Gaur          

One of the most important aspects of ayurvedic remedies is that the energy of the person making the remedy has a major role to play in its efficacy. Hence it is always better to take it form someone who is more evolved, but if you don’t have access to such a being then you can do it for your family and yourself as your positive thoughts also become its ingredient. 

Here I’m listing some important things to keep in mind when using herbs: 

The juice may be taken from the fresh leaves, flowers or stems of the herb. The part of the herb used should be crushed or ground in a mortar and pestle, to make a paste. This paste should be put in a piece of cloth and squeezed to take out the juice.

Dried herbs are used for powders. The herbs are usually dried in a cool, shady and well-ventilated place, although some herbs are dried in direct sunlight. The herbs are then ground into a fine powder and stored in a dry, airtight bottle. The powder may be taken with water, or if specified, with milk or honey.

A decoction is prepared by boiling the herb in water (ratio: 1 part herb to 16 parts water). The herbs are broken into pieces and soaked in water overnight. This mixture is then boiled until it reduces to one quarter of the original volume. It is then filtered and stored in a glass bottle.
Herbs are soaked in water to make an infusion (ratio: 1 part herb to 8 parts water). Hot infusions result from adding herbs to hot water, or gently heating but not boiling the mixture. This is strained and taken internally. Herbal teas are forms of hot infusions. Cold infusions are made from soaking the herb overnight. Honey can be added.  

—The writer is an ayurved expert from Dhyan Foundation.
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November 2010

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