Column: Yogi Ashwani

Colour Prana

Prana is actually a frequency of energy at which each individual vibrates at. For one to survive and to perform the various day to day functions we need prana which is obtained from our environment and everything we come in contact with like the food we eat, the air we breathe, where we walk (foot contact), what we touch, the clothes we wear, what we look at, and even of whom we think of. The body of a being lives due to its ability to hold and utilise and which actually manifests into a being as the various essentials (dhatu), viz. asthi (bones), maas (flesh), meda (fat), rakta (blood), majja (marrow), rasa (lymph) and sukra (semen). These are the seven vitals that form a human body. 

You would be surprised to know that even the seven kinds of excretions (mal) from our body are also prana but of course of a different frequency. Our soul lives in the body till the time the pranic frequency it is tuned to, exists in the body. The day that pranic frequency leaves, the soul also leaves the body. All our actions, moods, aspirations, likings and disliking, abilities, tastes, energy levels, success and failures, diseases and health are a manifestation of this word prana which appears to be small yet the one that entails all and forms the basis of our existence.

Our soul lives in the body till the time the pranic frequency it is tuned to, exists in the body. The day that pranic frequency leaves, the soul also leaves the body

We all have our personal favourites in colours. Have you ever given it a thought as to why we are so fascinated by colours; why is it that we like some colours and dislike or find the others as depressing and dull? The answer is simple and lies in the concept of pranic frequency at which each one of us vibrates. This vibrating frequency can actually be seen by a clairvoyant as a combination of colours and hence just by looking at these colour combinations one can identify the problem areas in the body. Each of these colours has a distinct property and if we look around then every food also has a distinct colour thereby explaining the various properties of food we eat. Even different shades of the same colour have different properties. If we talk of our diet intake then to have a healthy diet one needs to incorporate all the colours in the diet which are conducive to one’s natural state. As per Ayurveda, “Sarvada sarvbhavanama samanyam vridhi karanama”. (Similar colour and similar property increases similar dhatu).”

—The writer Yogi Ashwini Ji is the head of Dhyan Foundation, Delhi.
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November 2007

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