March 2019 \ Diaspora News \ diaspora: Bob Bawa
Turnaround King

The west coast of the United States has become a region that houses some of the finest Indian brains in the world. Bob Bawa ...

                                  A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

                                    —Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher and writer

The west coast of the United States has become a region that houses some of the finest Indian brains in the world. Bob Bawa is a perfect example of that brain gain for America that has made it a giant reservoir of intellect from around the world.

After graduating from Thapar College in India with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, Bob studied at the University of Southern California (USC) and received an MBA with a specialization in finance. Degrees in hand, Bob pursued a 30-year career in hardware technology and aerospace companies. As a financial analyst at Ducommun and Rockwell International, he built financial models for key M&A and divestiture decisions. Over time, he developed a reputation for implementing financial systems in turnaround situations. He worked on overhauling pricing strategy at Western Gear, building a new accounts payable system at Tectonics Bearings, and establishing a job costs system at Contour Aerospace and Ralee Engineering. Through each experience, Bob refined his skill in identifying opportunities in turnaround situations and implement systems and programs to drive growth and profitability.

In parallel with his finance career, Bob applied his skills in other entrepreneurial endeavors. In 1990, Bob learned that the preschool that his son was attending and wife was working at was in deep financial trouble. Seeing an opportunity for investment and improvement, he and his wife purchased the preschool. His wife ran the school and he spent his evenings managing the finances. Their efforts led to a successful turnaround and over the course of 15 years they purchased and managed 3 preschools.

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