Editor's Desk

Editor’s Desk

Fourteen years ago the Conservative Party in the U.K. had stormed to power on the back of an effective “vote for change” slogan. That was the year 2010, and the British people were indeed looking for change. They voted in the country’s main right wing party, hoping that change was not too distant a dream. Five years rolled by quickly for the Tories...

Editor’s Desk

Luxury in the elite housing space is set to get a new address in Gurugram—Sobha Aranya. Two expert groups are pushing their limits to deliver the best they can. In that sense, as dancer Twlyla Tharp would say, they are both privileged in doing what they are, it’s a luxury they can afford. Aranya is as much a meeting of a pair of creative minds, as it is an aesthetic collaboration of two partners who over decades have sharpened their skills at being both inventive and innovative at the same time...