September 2016 \ Cover Story \ COVER STORY
“Our mission is to skill 40.2 crore youth by 2022”

Please talk us through the major points of focus in the national policy for skill development and entrepreneurship.

The objective of the National Policy on Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015, is to meet the challenge of skilling at scale with speed and standard (quality). It will aim to provide an umbrella framework to all skilling activities being carried out within the country, to align them to common standards and link the skilling with demand centers. In addition to laying down the objectives and expected outcomes, the effort will also be to identify the various institutional frameworks which can act as the vehicle to reach the expected outcomes. The national policy will also provide clarity and coherence on how skill development efforts across the country can be aligned within the existing institutional arrangements. This policy will link skills development to improved employability and productivity. 

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