November 2015 \ Diaspora News \ Charity
Sikhs help Northampton

The Sikh community is offering free hot meals to the homeless and the poor in Northampton town in Britain. This is done every Sunday, the Northampton Chronicle reported in October. A Sikh leader, Mr Amarjit Atwal, was quoted as saying that the numbers queuing up for the free food had been growing each week. There were about 140 people over the last two weeks, he said.

"Last November we were having 20 people but more are coming all the time now. I would say about two-thirds are homeless, living in doorways with all their belongings. Some prefer to live like that. But most of the rest are vulnerable people ... who cannot always afford hot meals. There are some people who tell us they have not had a hot meal for three days. I think they come to us because they rely on services that are only there during the week. They need more support at weekends," Mr Atwal said.

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