February 2021 \ Arts & Entertainment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY

Ram is found in almost every culture of the world ...

By Yogi Ashwini Ji
  • Yogi Ashwini Ji

Ram is found in almost every culture of the world. There was an ancestor of David who was the son of Hezron, he was called Ram. The son of Jerahmeel was also called Ram. A kindred of Elihu was also Ram. There are at least 3-4 places mentioned in the Bible by the name of Ramah. There still is a town in Jerusalem by the name of Ramnagar. Rama Raya is another name for Eid ul fitr. Ramadan is a holy month all over the globe, might be faith is different and belief is not of Ram but coincidently Ram’s name is there. All this goes to tell that the vedic rishi was the master of creation and was all over, much before religion and division in the name of religion. We are living in kalyug, the heyday of negativity. Negative thoughts and destructive tendencies dominate this yug. Everything around is interpreted or seen under a negative / destructive lens. Even if you ask a child about Ramayana, violence would be the bottomline of his/her understanding - killing of Ravana by Ram. There is no one who can explain to the child the true meaning of Ramayana - Ayana of Ram, that is, the journey of Ram. Journey of Ram in pursuit of devi, Sita. No one remembers the journey, instead, mistakes the end of Ravana as its culmination.

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