June 2016 \ News \ MIND AND BODY

The WPA seeks to improve the mental health of people living in the world including Latin American region,

  • Mr Edgard Belfort

Issues of Quality in Psychiatric Education

The WPA seeks to improve the mental health of people living in the world including Latin American region, by promoting the strengthening and dissemination of an integrated, comprehensive and proactive response by the Health Sector, while encouraging the implementation of mental disorder awareness, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs.


In Latin America and the Caribbean, as in other continents, economic progress, social transformation and extended longevity have been accompanied by an increase in psychosocial issues and in the prevalence of mental disorders.  When restructuring mental health educational programs, professionals should consider these economic, social and health developments as essential, not only for welfare of the individual, but also for economic growth and for reducing poverty in specific communities or countries.
