July 2016 \ Cover Story \ COVER STORY: BRITAIN’S EXIT FROM E.U.

By Anasudhin Azeez in London

British voters have spoken and they have spoken clearly and loudly to exit from the European Union. The next three months will be crucial for the country when the new team at 10 Downing Street begins their talks to find out new deals to protect the country's interests. But the question is how united the Kingdom will be to begin the talks.

The Balkanisation has already started as Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has mentioned a Second Independent Referendum and Northern Ireland First Deputy Minister Martin McGuinness seeks a vote on an Irish border for a United Ireland. English and Welsh voters chose immigration over the economy, and, perhaps inadvertently, switched allegiance from Prime Minister David Cameron to a group of largely untested right-wingers who have no plan for managing the political—and potentially, economic—chaos that will now ensue. The prime minister has quit and the opposition leader is facing a trust vote. Cameron is a victim of his own success. His targets to meet the net migration failed because the economy was doing well to prevent more to leave Britain. It also attracted thousands to its shores to test their luck and find better opportunity.
