“We want to ensure that no one is denied quality healthcare due to lack of financial resources”
You are considered to be amongst the few high-impact, innovative social entrepreneurs in the country. How have your actions and accomplishments demonstrated a commitment to economic justice and poverty alleviation?
Today as the world stresses on economic growth, globalisation and privatisation; a silent section of the society seems to slip through all safety nets. In India, one is talking about at least 26% of the population who fit into this category. The percentage varies from state to state. In most of the northern states poverty seems to be increasing and if you further disaggregate from urban to rural, you will find that 40% of the rural population in 10 states in India are below the poverty line. If one further disaggregates the figures into schedule caste, schedule tribes, the marginalised etc., the percentages just keep on rising. So we have to accept the fact that there is a segment in our society, and we are talking about 260 million Indians, who are surviving with the burden of disease, estimated of around $ 30 billion constituting 5% of GDP.
What is your organizational mission? What are your current challenges?
Our organization mission:
- To ensure that no one is denied quality healthcare due to lack of financial resources
- To build capacities and run centers for specialized surgeries in the areas which lack speciality care
- To deliver world-class healthcare, with a focus on service, by creating an institution committed to highest standards of medical excellence, patient care, scientific knowledge and medical education for the masses at the most affordable prices.
- To provide world-class integrated healthcare facilities to all sections of the society.
- Creating unparalleled standards of medical and service outcomes.
- To be a care provider of choice, be the principal choice of physicians and be committed to follow ethical practices.