October 2017 \ Cover Story \ COVER STORY—BUSINESS PROFILE
Investing In Gen Next

By Yogesh Sood

                          “Invest in yourself. Your career is the engine of your wealth”

                                  —Paul Clitheroe, Australian Financial Analyst

Indian cinema’s acclaimed superstar Priyanka Chopra has said that any transition is easier if you believe in yourself, and your talent. Her words sit well on Narinder Wadhwa, who had the courage to leave a cushy job at Citigroup and first start his own practice as a Chartered Accountant, and subsequently SKI group, the firm that he heads. He could, of course do that because he believed in himself, and in the talent that he had. No wonder, his stock has always gone one way—North.

Today, Mr Narinder Wadhwa is not just the Founder and Managing Director of the SKI Group—a premier financial services house, he is an active member of several of India’s leading industry bodies. He is on the National Executive Committee of FICCI, ASSOCHAM and ANMI. Mr Wadhwa’s position in the organizations speak volumes about the distance he’s covered since he forayed into his own business in 1987.
