November 2021 \ World News \ INTERNATIONAL NEWS
Peru mired in political tension

  • Mr Pedro Castillo

Peru’s President Pedro Castillo has announced the resignation of Prime Minister Guido Bellido to preserve the “governability of the country” mired in political tension since the latter took office on July 29. “Today I have accepted the resignation of the President of the Council of Ministers Guido Bellido Ugarte, whom I thank for his services rendered to the nation,” the president said in a nationwide address.

Mr Bellido’s letter, released in an early October afternoon, announced his “irrevocable resignation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as you (Castillo) have requested of me”, reports Xinhua news agency.

According to the local El Comercio newspaper, Mr Bellido’s resignation came amid “serious questions regarding his tax investigations, contradictions and disorder within the cabinet”, as well as “his public confrontations” with Foreign Minister Oscar Maurtua. According to Mr Castillo, the decision to accept Mr Bellido’s resignation was to ensure “tranquility and cohesion in government”.


Tags: Peru

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