December 2023 \ World News \ International News

By India Empire Bureau
  • Braverman with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on October 12, 2023

Suella Braverman, the sacked British Home Secretary, has been controversy’s favorite child for a while. When UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak removed her from office in November 2023, it was the second time that Braverman had lost her job within a span of 13 months. Earlier, on October 19, 2022, she had been forced to resign from the Liz Truss cabinet for breaching a ministerial code by sharing an official document with a Parliamentary colleague from her personal email.

This time around the reasons were different, but controversial nonetheless. Braverman in a signed article in The Times on November 8 wrote that there had been a perception that senior police officers play favorites when it comes to protestors. She was, of course, referring to the policing handling of both the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protestors in UK following the Israel-Hamas war. She said the pro-Palestinian protests amounted to hate marches and the British police, she said, were tougher on right-wing extremists than they were on pro-Palestinian “mobs.”

It was quite a while back that Braverman had stopped appeasing the left within the Conservative Party. This had led to the ringing of alarm bells given that in May 2024 the UK heads into the local elections followed by the national elections a few months down the line. Antagonizing large pockets of immigrants in the UK is the last thing any politician can afford at this point. But Braverman opposed any form of appeasement and evidently paid the price.

Braverman has been stridently outspoken about British immigration policies. She has categorically said that the small boats crossing the English Channel amid an escalating European migrant crisis were unacceptable, and needed to be stopped. She also wanted asylum seekers sent to Rwanda, something she averred was a dream and an obsession. In March 2023 she visited Rwanda and met with President Paul Kagame and looked seriously at housing solutions in that country for asylum seekers to the U.K. When her Parliamentary colleagues called her out for discrimination, she hit back saying it wasn’t quite racist to speak on illegal immigration. She also spoke on child protection from Pakistani grooming gangs that led to immediate commotion in Parliament, once again for discrimination. In fact, Braverman went to the extent of ordering the expulsion of a British resident and prevented him from re-entering the UK after he returned from a visit to Istanbul, Turkey, stoking controversy once again.

Born to parents of Indian descent—her mother is from Mauritius and father from Kenya, Braverman raises several interesting points in her letter to PM Sunak. Coming from a Home Secretary with inside knowledge of the system that runs Britain, they do merit looking into very closely.  She accuses Sunak of betrayal by failing to keep his promises over controlling illegal immigration or responding aptly to extremism on the streets.

“Your plan is not working,” she said in a searing letter to her fellow Indian-origin leader. “Either your distinctive style of government means you are incapable of doing so. Or, as I must surely conclude now, you never had any intention of keeping your promises,” the controversial right-wing leader said in the letter, the BBC reported.

“Someone needs to be honest: your plan is not working, we have endured record election defeats, your resets have failed and we are running out of time. You need to change course urgently.”

Braverman accused Sunak of also reneging on his pledge to do “whatever it takes” to stop small boats crossing the Channel which, she said, was among her conditions for taking up the position of Home Secretary in October 2022.

Tags: UK, PIO

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