Power of Yagyas

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it only changes form. This is not only a fundamental law in Physics but the basis ...

By Yogi Ashwini Ji
  • Yogi Ashwini

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it only changes form. This is not only a fundamental law in Physics but the basis of this creation. Everything we see around us is a form of this energy, which the vedic rishis called prana, having a specific frequency. The frequencies which lie in your range are perceivable to you, those which lie below or above, you are unable to perceive, but that does not mean that they don’t exist. The frequencies of the physical dimension are just a minor part of the endless spectrum of frequencies of the brahmand.

Try out a simple experiment, light a candle and put your palm over the candle flame and keep moving your palm higher and higher, you will reach a point when you are no longer able to feel the heat of the flame. Does that mean that no heat exists there? Certainly not, as generation of heat is a continuous process. You feel it only till the point the limited sensitivity of your palms allows it to be sensed, not beyond that. So is the case with the creation. The various dimensions - manifested, semi-manifested and unmanifested exist. It is your level of sensitivity, level of consciousness, that determines what dimension you are able to access.

Vedic sages gave a simple tool to access the semi-manifested dimension, or the devlok – Yagyas. Yagyas are a means to nourish the devas, a direct interaction with devlok and the forces that run this creation. The practice involves making oblations to fire along with specific chants. The fire having the ability of transformation can transform the physical into the subtle and the mantrashave the ability to manifest the ability and power of devas in the physical world; health, beauty and glow in the practitioner are some of the by-products.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini

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