April 2019 \ Cover Story \

Set in natural and green surroundings, Luxembourg City ...

Another recommendation is to visit the capital of the Mullerthal region, Echternach, which is the oldest city in Luxembourg. The famous dancing procession of Echternach, held every year on Whit Tuesday, was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2010. It is the last remaining traditional Roman Catholic dancing procession in Europe that honours Saint Willibrord, who established the Abbey of Echternach in the 7th Century. The Land of the Red Rocks is a region of Luxembourg located in the south of the country. It owes its name to the red ore that was behind the success of the steel industry in Luxembourg, back in the industrial era. Today, the former mining area of the Land of the Red Rocks, also referred to as Terres Rouges, has established a new identity through combining ancient and new technologies.

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