April 2019 \ Cover Story \
Governor Mukhi for more trade with Bangladesh, Myanmar

Acting Mizoram Governor Jagdish Mukhi has said border ...

  • Governor Jagdish Mukhi

Acting Mizoram Governor Jagdish Mukhi has said border trade with Myanmar and Bangladesh would be pursued for the benefit of the state. On the opening day of the budget session of the Assembly in March the Governor said: “In keeping with “Act East Policy”, border trade with Myanmar and Bangladesh would be vigorously pursued so that Mizoram can benefit economically.”

He said the state government would soon embark on a fresh “road map” of development under the new flagship programme—Socio-Economic Development Policy (SEDP). “The SEDP would accelerate progress and growth in all key sectors where the state has tremendous potential. The objective of the policy is to transform Mizoram into a truly welfare state that is self-reliant and its development both inclusive and sustainable and where governance is transparent and participatory.”

He told the House the SEDP, unlike earlier programmes of previous (Congress) government, would not be given as “doles” but as a hand-holding support on the viability of projects and feasibility of livelihood income generation.

“The menaces of drug abuse and drug trafficking have assumed alarming proportions in Mizoram. The state government would deal with the issue with all seriousness,” he said. Mukhi said measures would be taken to eradicate social evils. A new bill to repeal the Mizoram Liquor (Control and Prohibition) Act, 2014, implemented since January 2015, would be tabled during this session.
