August 2019 \ World News \ INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
UNSC President refuses comment

UN Security Council President Joanna Wronecka ...

By Arul Louis

UN Security Council President Joanna Wronecka has refused to comment on the letter from Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi to Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the situation in Kashmir. Asked about it by reporters, she shook her and murmured “No,” before walking away from a media briefing by seven Western countries in August.

Qureshi’s letter written on August 1, before India scaled back the special status of Kashmir, was circulated to the members of the Security Council and released by the UN in August. Ms Wronecka was one of the diplomats who stood by at the briefing where Belgium’s Deputy Permanent Representative Karen Van Vlierberge read a statement expressing support for Georgia and criticizing Russia for “intensification” of the border situation there. None of them entertained media questions and walked away.
In answer to another question if Mr Guterres planned to bring the Kashmir developments to the Council or to brief it, he said: “We’ve not. I’m not aware of any plans to brief.”

Tags: Arul Louis

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