January 2016 \ Diaspora News \ Diaspora Meet—UNITED KINGDOM

Women not only have the right to equality, it is also clearly stated in the texts and by the prophets of Judaism, Islam,

  • Executive Members of the British Sikh Association (from left) Mr Hardip Singh, Dr Peter Chadha, Mr and Mrs Ravi Gidar, and Members of the Panel: The Lord Sheikh of Cornhill, Dr Sukhbir Kapoor OBE, Ms Laura Marks, Dr Rami Ranger, MBE, FRSA and Mr. Hardyal Luther

Hinduism, Christianity and Sikhism say a panel of academics and cultural leaders.

The call for women's empowerment came during an inter-faith seminar held by the British Sikh Association in London on 2nd December 2015. While emphasising the history of women who played key roles in shaping the core values of these religions, often working alongside male prophets and leaders as mothers, siblings or spouses, the panel broadly accepted that modern society has lost sight of these values which call for women's empowerment and equality in many religious texts.

The panel, which included British Sikh Association Chairman, Dr Rami Ranger MBE, Ms Laura Marks OBE, The Lord Sheikh of Cornhill and Dr Sukhbir S. Kapoor OBE, addressed the question first posed in the 13th Century by Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism: "Why condemn women who bear prophets and kings?"

The compere of the Inter-faith seminar was Mr Hardyal Luther, the Vice Chairman of the British Sikh Association.

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