April 2016 \ Interviews \ Business Interview—Q AND A
“Hunger for client servicing keeps us on our toes”


How would you describe the decision of choosing Netherlands for business operations?

The Hague (3rd largest city in Netherlands) being the most active and upcoming cyber security cluster in Europe along with favourable economic policies was our obvious choice to setup an office in this region which offers an opportunity to collaborate with local partners, knowledge institutions and offer complimentary services to fuel the sectorial growth.

Over the next 12 months we aim to build an internal talent pool from the Netherlands as well as India, build service lines in the area of cyber security talent solutions, product innovation, technology transfer and advisory. We are happy to take the first mover advantage of tapping in a promising market.

What is your overriding philosophy when it comes to clients?

We work with a varied set of domestic and international clients at an enabling layer. Hence it becomes extremely essential for us to engage in a partnership mode where we understand the business model and actual requirements of clients and at the same time offer them solutions which are tangible, sustainable, outcome based and have an impact. All our service lines are flexible enough to cater to the dynamic needs of our clients. Over the last 3 years, we have built capabilities to swiftly customize solutions in the shortest possible time frame. As a passionate team, our hunger for client servicing keeps us on our toes most of the time which I must admit is the mantra of our growth so far. Our value proposition, quality processes, delivery speed and committed team are the catalysts for driving client excellence.

