May 2016 \ News \ Column: Yogi Ashwini
Evolving Dietary Habits

Before coming into Yog, there was a time when I used to have every type of meat but when you are in Yog your body doesn’t accept certain things after a point. But then that it is a natural process not a forced process. Always remember that you should never have this attitude- “Now that I have become a ‘saint’… so all those who eat meat are bad people.” Food is never a point of discussion in Yog because everything is for a purpose.

By Yogi Ashwini Ji

Be practical in life. Be sensible. Go as per what your body requires. Otherwise this is what will happen - when you fall ill, you will eat fish oils capsules. The whole life you haven’t eaten it but now that you have fallen ill, you start eating fish capsules. I have seen many such cases- whole life you have preached, but when it comes on you, then you start having fish soup, fish oil capsules and what not. If you ask them, the reason they give is self-survival. But I don’t buy this argument. It doesn’t make any sense. If it’s a no, then it means no-stick to it, let’s see what happens.

In fact I would go on to say that in today’s time everybody has non-veg extracts- I have given a whole description of various products from soap to oil, what their contents are and I have done a thorough study on this in my book- “Sanatan Kriya- The ageless Dimension”…. go through it and then tell me if there is even one person who can claim to be a vegetarian.

Do you know what the casing of a capsule or tablet is made of? It is made from cow- gelatine. The cauliflower you eat- do you know how many insects, snakes, lizards, scorpions are killed by the farmer? Can that be called sattvic? Don’t be foolish to think that I am a pure vegetarian. The cheese sandwich which you all have, thinking it to be veg, that cheese has cow’s rennet in it- it is foolish to think that you are vegetarian. If you go in a restaurant which prepares veg and non- veg, both meals- here again they use all kinds of fats. And if you have gone abroad and still you think you are veg then there is no bigger fool than you- because they prepare everything in pig fat and cow fat. I have experienced this personally.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini
