December 2016 \ Arts & Entertainment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY
Anti-Aging - Sukra

Our body is composed of millions of cells, each of them vibrating at varying frequencies of prana. These cells divide,

By Yogi Ashwini Ji

This asana should not be practiced by people suffering from cervical spondylitis, slip disc, high blood pressure, during menstruation and pregnancy.

Mahabandha- Mahabandha causes the energy to reach the seat of Guru, the Agya Chakra. It helps arrest ageing and is a bestower of great siddhis. For Mahabandha,

Sit with a straight spine. Bend the left knee, pressing the left heel into the perineum/vagina. Place the right heel on the left thigh. Inhale from the right nostril and perform the Shambhavi and Khechari Mudra. Holding your breath inside, perform Mool Bandha followed by Jalandhar Bandha. With your arms straight and hands on the knees, hold the posture for a count of seven. Gently release the bandhas, first Jalandhar and then Mool Bandha. Repeat on the other side.

It is important to have a Guru to practice the above or it can damage the body. After performing the mentioned asana and bandha, sit in Siddhasana and close your eyes. Take your awareness to the cross-section of the line joining your temples and that joining the center of your eyebrows to the back of the head. Be aware of the nectar dropping down from this point. Hold this nectar in your throat. Drop all awareness, let go. Whenever your awareness returns, pay salutations to the Guru, open your eyes look into the center of palms. Mail me your experiences.

It’s ok to have sex and yet maintain sukra, this is done by specific individualistic kriyas and mantras given by your guru. While rapid breathing and strenuous asans or exercises deplete it as it is visible in the physical states of those who teach and practice these.  

—Yogi Ashwini is the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation and can be reached at

