January 2017 \ Cover Story \ COVER STORY—DIASPORA LEADER
Lasting Legacy

Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the USA, was right on the money. Real leaders across the world inspire people to go the extra mile to become more of who they are. They actually make them dream more, and, of course, do more.

By Sayantan Chakravarty
  • Inder Singh with President George Bush 1991, Los Angeles

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader

—John Quincy Adams 

Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the USA, was right on the money. Real leaders across the world inspire people to go the extra mile to become more of who they are. They actually make them dream more, and, of course, do more.

Inder Singh of Tarzana, a suburban city of Los Angeles, California, does know a thing or three about leadership. A tireless community worker above everything else for over four decades, his leadership skills have taken him across the great oceans to build, well, new leaders! He didn’t have to open up a transcontinental leadership academy to motivate—his highly effective communication skills whether in person, whether on the dais, or over phone, and his artful persuasiveness, were enough to do the job. If today several men and women of substance across the Americas, Caribbean, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania, have stood up to be counted as champions of the Indian diaspora, then you could thank Inder Singh who for over a decade remained President, and then Chairman of the GOPIO International. Currently he serves as Executive Trustee of the GOPIO Foundation.             Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar of Trinidad and Inder Singh, Port of Spain
