January 2015 \ Cover Story \ Cover Story

A short list of men and women who have branded India overseas tremendously in the past one year — Editor

By Sayantan Chakravarty

Dr Rami Ranger

Dr Rami Ranger, MBE set an unprecedented record of being conferred five-on-the-trot Queens Awards for Excellence in Enterprise, in the process having managed to grow his flagship Sun Mark Ltd. manifold over the past several years. He was also voted Man of the Year at the GG2 Awards ceremony, and was presented with the trophy by Mr David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the U.K. who had also visited Dr Ranger’s company facility. Dr Ranger arrived in Britain in 1971 with just two pounds in his purse. He held down a number of important jobs before turning an entrepreneur of great success. No other man or woman in Britain has won more than three Queens Awards for Excellence. He has contributed 100,000 pounds to the Gandhi Statue Memorial Trust which will raise a statue of Mahatma Gandhi at London’s Parliament Square.

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