India Empire’s Business Editor Yogesh Sood met up with Mr Asoke Laha, CEO of the California headquartered Interra Information Technology Inc. and an interview followed

By Yogesh Sood

Sir, thank you for your time and interest. Let us hear about the story of your life as an entrepreneur first...
Well I probably carried the seeds of enterprise since I was teenager. I loved freedom and to do things in my own way. I was also interested in developing a team and a company which will not only serve the customers, make money but also to sustain the livelihood of a community of employees, associates and colleagues. Being the elder son of a struggling family in Kolkata where most of my seniors had been middle-level civil servants and government employees, I wanted to break the mould and stand on my own feet. I studied Engineering at Jadavpur University in a politically sensitive time but my aim was to work hard and prepare the foundation of a stable, professional career. Then I travelled to Canada at a very young age with a scholarship to pursue a postgraduate degree in a foreign university. Once there, I could see there was nothing to stop me if I would pay the price by working hard, harder and hardest.

Great. We know you had a long and fulfilling career as an IT professional in the US working with mostly top companies. Why did you switch to entrepreneurship and risks?
It did not happen just like that, or in a day. As I told you I was always hungry to do my own business and I took my job career as a learning ground for that final destination. I had to fight every inch of my way towards success in the US, no one offered it to me on a gold platter. In Candence, in 1993, I was offered the position of Managing Director of Candence India (wholly owned subsidiary of Candence US) and I relocated to India as an expatriate for three years to build the Indian operation almost from scratch. By the time I left in 1996 after my tenure, Candence India was recognized as one of the premier software companies. That was the beginning of my entrepreneurship. After Candence I decided to set up my own company – of course with some of my trusted and friendly associates – and founded InterraIT from my residence in Noida. 

Wow, is it an Indian company?
No, we incorporated a company in the US and the Indian company was a 100% owned subsidiary. Later, we expanded globally – to Japan, Europe, Canada and Australia.

Is InterraIT a product company?
No, we are a three sixty degree solution provider in IT, one of the best consulting services providing support and services in a varied expanse of domains and verticals.

Tags: USA, Interviews
