October 2020 \ Business & Investment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY

There is nothing stationary in Creation. One either moves ...

By Yogi Ashwini Ji

There is a famous adage, ‘poot kaput to kyun dhan sanchay, poot saput to kyun dhan sanchay’. That is, if the kid is unworthy, then he/she will squander away whatever he/she gets, so why collect for them? And if the kid is worthy and able, then he/she will find his/her own standing, so why collect for them?

Therefore, it is best to not collect, and to focus on one’s journey and path keeping the palms open to give. The problem is that man thinks it is he who has earned it and it is ‘his’ earning and so finds it difficult to part with. The reality is that you do not even have control on your next breath—even that is not yours, if it stops then what good will be the family or wealth? If you don’t agree, then visit an ICU sometime, there everyone is praying to somehow get their life back, whatever wealth they have to forego for it, all relations forgotten. It is a spellbinding research that people spend 10 times on medical bills in the final years of their lives than what they spend in the entire life. The events in life happen the way they have to, the way they are planned. The human being cannot decide what he gets, what he can decide however is to let go while there is time. Because if you don’t leave it, that thing will leave you one day for certain, but in the process what you will lose is the time and opportunity to earn the entitlement to higher births.

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