March 2019 \ Diaspora News \ diaspora: Bob Bawa
Turnaround King

The west coast of the United States has become a region that houses some of the finest Indian brains in the world. Bob Bawa ...

The niche the company occupied was a growing market and extremely difficult to enter by other companies given the quality standards and skills required. Once in the driver’s seat, Bob’s turnaround plan was simple: invest in the highest quality equipment and people. He did exactly that to ensure that the company’s capabilities were above any other potential competitor in the market. To address a new growth market in electro-optics, he created an optical polishing department. More importantly, Bob further invested in the growth of talented machinists at LA Gauge. The company began offering apprenticeship programs and subsidized college coursework.

The investments caught the eye of key aerospace companies, from Lockheed Martin to Raytheon to Honeywell. LA Gauge now has contracts to manufacture precision components for missile guidance systems, targeting systems for various fighter jets (including F35), nuclear reactors and other components for the aerospace and defense industries.

The investments caught the eye of key aerospace companies, from Lockheed Martin to Raytheon to Honeywell. LA Gauge now has contracts to manufacture precision components for missile guidance systems, targeting systems for various fighter jets (including F35), nuclear reactors and other components for the aerospace industry

Building on successes with customers and continued reinvestment in capital equipment, the turnaround effort began to show returns. Today, after 10 years of private ownership, LA Gauge has surpassed the previous market leader in beryllium machining. The workforce has doubled, sales have more than quadrupled, and the company is profitable. He is quick to note the improvements he is focused on, but his investments have positioned LA Gauge Company very well to take advantage of expanding markets in aerospace and defense. Bob Bawa can be proud of his accomplishments, since he arrived on the western shores of the USA.
