January 2017 \ News \ GOPIO INTERNATIONAL
GOPIO Profiles

Dr Thomas Abraham Founder President and presently Chairman, GOPIO

Mr Noel Lal
Executive Vice President, GOPIO International

Based in Sydney, Australia, Noel is the first Life Member of GOPIO from the Oceania Region, having attended GOPIO Convention in Zurich in 2000 at the height of Fiji turmoil and later joined as a Life Member and has been actively involved since then. GOPIO’s first chapters were initiated while Noel was serving as the International Coordinator of GOPIO. Later GOPIO chapters were initiated in other parts of Australia & New Zealand. Noel was later appointed Regional Vice President of the Oceania Region. Noel had attended several GOPIO Conventions in Geneva, Delhi, Sydney, Trinidad and New York.

Born in Fiji and living in Australia since 1989, Noel is the Managing Director of South Pacific Engineering Pty Ltd. Noel is married with 3 children living in Sydney, Australia. Noel is a Justice of Peace in Australia. As a philanthropist he has helped numerous poor students, schools and organisation in Fiji and Australia. Noel is also a member of Board of Trustees of Foundation for Educating Needy Children in Fiji which is a Fiji Government initiative.

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